What Can You Expect From the Workshop?
Thursday 14 July 2022, 9.30am – 3.30pm
Learn about new materials developments, trends and opportunities in relation to metals & microscopy, polymers & sustainability, advanced materials processing, ceramics engineering and sustainability.
Understand how AMCASH has successfully delivered support and has helped transform specific businesses – enabling them to overcome technical challenges; improve efficiency; and inspire new product development.
Attend our materials clinic/surgery where you can discuss your own technical challenges (including materials samples) in one-to-one discussion with AMCASH research fellows.
Sign up to receive AMCASH fully funded support and resolve one of your technical challenges with a tailored support project delivered by the AMCASH team.
Tour the University’s world-class testing facilities available at our School of Metallurgy & Materials.
See the full agenda and Workshop sign-up via the button below.
Contact AMCASH Business Engagement Managers:
- Julian Moore: j.d.moore.1@bham.ac.uk
- Mike Small: m.d.small@bham.ac.uk