Case Study: Mike Woollacott, Greenwatt Technology

“I find the ILCWG one of the most useful and enjoyable networks that I belong to!” Mike Woollacott from Greenwatt Technology tells us his experiences with our Innovative Low Carbon Working Group, and why it’s a valuable resource for SMEs…


Greenwatt Technology is a low carbon project consultancy based in Alcester, South Warwickshire. Our main activity areas encourage and develop renewable energy (solar, biomass, battery storage) and low emission transport solutions – with a main specialism in integrated energy systems. It is vital for us as a small business that we take every opportunity to keep up to date with emerging and innovative technologies, funding competitions and national/regional strategies. We also need to build and maintain strong relationships with university and research groups, with public sector organisations and with key businesses in our sector across the West Midlands.

That is why we have been an active member and participant of the Innovative Low Carbon Working Group (ILCWG) since 2015. The ILCWG is a strong network of organisations and businesses and meetings run quarterly in accessible West Midlands locations, often hosted by companies eager to showcase their low carbon products or services. I particularly like the varied nature of the speakers and the discussions at each workshop covering topics such as low impact construction, battery storage, power grid infrastructure and low emission transport. Each workshop includes very useful advice on accessible sources of public and private sector funding and there is also a strong focus upon how the low carbon sector is innovating, in terms of the development of new technologies, products and services. The ‘round table’ introductions and reviews at the beginning and end of each event ensures maximum opportunity for networking and building collaborations.

The ILCWG is superbly organised by the Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands, supported by Sustainability West Midlands, providing all members with a regular email update highlighting various low carbon funding opportunities (from sources such as Innovate UK, Central Government and the private sector), promoting events and making connections. In these busy times and with invitations to so many events, I find the ILCWG one of the most useful and enjoyable networks that I belong to and would really encourage businesses operating in the low carbon energy, transport and construction sectors to join!

(Author: Mike Woollacott)