BETTER project launched

The BETTER project has officially commenced. Five partners have joined together to address a common challenge: How to encourage Public Authorities Strategies in which e-Government solutions improve their services and can stimulate regional innovation chains.

The project will share and integrate best practices for smarter and more innovative regions, improve the partners’ innovation policies and create better public services.

BETTER is an Interreg Europe project which helps regional and local governments to develop better public policies by creating an environment for sharing solutions between regions. Our project receives funding from the European Regional Development Fund.

BETTER will be implemented over 4 years, starting in August 2019.

The project’s first official event, the Kick-off Meeting was already held in Genoa (IT) on 05 September 2019. The first Thematic Event was organized in Gävle, Sweden in October 2019.

For all BETTER (upcoming) events and news please visit:

The project is led by the Municipality of Genoa and will be implemented by the following partners:

  • Municipality of Genoa (IT)
  • Tartu City Government (EE)
  • Municipality of Nyiregyhaza (HU)
  • Gävle Municipality (SE)
  • Birmingham City Council (UK)