Birmingham Food Survey is live!

Source: Birmingham City Council

The Birmingham Food Survey is live!

What is it all about?

As part of shaping the approach to creating a Healthy Food City, Birmingham is working hard to become a city where all citizens can thrive and achieve their potential, and creating a healthy, affordable and sustainable food environment across the city is key to this.

When we talk about the food environment in Birmingham we are thinking about how we grow food, transform it from raw materials into dishes, sell it through shops and serve it in schools and care homes, and also how we recycle it and treat food waste.

In order to move towards a healthy, affordable and sustainable food environment, we need to understand citizens views, influences and choices across all of these food topics and so the Public Health Division has created the Birmingham Food Survey. The survey asks about your background, your thoughts on food policies that shape the city and about the kind of food you eat.

For a little more context, watch our video – Starting the Birmingham Food Conversation:

Who are we trying to reach?

EVERYONE! We want to hear from all Birmingham citizens about their thoughts on food and the food choices they make.

Whether they’re an individual, family, student, retired or newly arrived in the city, their opinion counts and we are really keen to hear from people of all ages and in every community in Birmingham. That includes you and your families and friends!

How can you help?

You can help us hugely by mentioning or circulating the survey and video links to colleagues, groups and organisations across the city.

And don’t forget, your views count too! Please get involved by completing the survey yourself and then give it a share on social media to let your friends and family know about it. Remember to use the hashtag #talkfoodbrum

Link to survey:

Link to video:

Hashtag: #talkfoodbrum