Digit-ALLY launches for West Midlands professional services

Today, in partnership with Hyperscale Group and GBSLEP, we are launching Digit-ALLY – aimed at professional services in the West Midlands to help them adopt data driven technologies to make their business better.

What is digital-Ally about?

Advances in digital services are increasingly creating major new opportunities for professional service organisations, as already seen across many other industries with great success.

The new digit-ALLY initiative looks to support professional service organisations, like you, across the West Midlands. It aims to help you cut through the noise of the wide array of digital services available, identify which ones are most appropriate for your individual needs and how you would go about putting them to use in your business to make business better.

Digital services span a variety of digital technologies including digital basics, enabling technologies, and data driven technologies. Digit-ALLY focusses on the barriers to adopting data driven technologies.

What do we mean by professional service organisations?

For the purpose of this initiative we are looking to support organisation that operate in any of the following:

Support services (including IT and recruitment)
Real estate advisory community (including asset managers, property managers, valuation surveyors etc.)
Marketing and communications advisory agencies

What do we mean by digital services?

Digital Basics

The core basics to help run your business.

Enabling Technologies

The digital tools to make your business more efficient

Data Driven Technologies

The emerging disruptive technologies which leverage data to make business better.

Digit-ALLY focusses on overcoming barriers to adopting these data driven technologies.

Why should you engage?

1. Have your say

Participate in a short survey to provide your views on the barriers to adopting data driven technologies to help inform our research. By doing so, you will be supporting the West Midlands to make business better.

2. Respondents to the survey will have the chance to be selected for fully funded focussed support providing:

Access to advice and guidance from industry experts, Hyperscale Group Ltd, to help you better understand the challenges to your business and the opportunities the latest digital services can provide.

Access to technology experts to discuss which digital services are best for you and how to go about embedding them into your business.

A roadmap to success that will provide further information for you to take away and get going on your journey to making business better.

What is the process?

For the opportunity to participate all you need to do is complete the short survey found hereDEADLINE FOR COMPLETION IS 12/06/2020.

Digit-ALLY is delivered by the Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands in partnership with Hyperscale Group Ltd, on behalf of the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership.

For more information, email: IAWM@blackcountryconsortium.co.uk