SuperTech’s no-code ‘Seeds’ programme launches

The West Midlands has become the first region globally to invest in latest ‘no-code’ technology to help drive economic growth.

SuperTech Seeds is a new programme specifically aimed at professionals working within the business, professional and financial services sector to help bring ideas for tech-enabled services to reality in a quicker, cheaper and more effective way.

Founded on no-code skills development, SuperTech Seeds supports anyone, no matter their previous technological abilities, to create web and mobile applications. No-code is being seen as a way of quickly and effectively solving business problems, launching new services and products and creating new enterprises – key in the world of tech and business start-ups.

SuperTech Seeds is for: 

  • professionals with a seed of an idea but with no access to tech to progress OR
  • professionals who want to experiment with an MVP and test the market sooner OR
  • those who want to upskill in technology without learning to code
  • Key facts about the programme: 
  • Funded places are available now for the 6 week-12 hour bootcamp
  • Next cohorts commence 7th April and 21st April
  • Afternoon & evening sessions
  • Eligibility is based on a West Midlands postcode and professional services career
  • Places are limited for large employers
  • First come first served basis
  • Participation is possible for non-eligible persons or additional places on a fee-paying basis.

To ensure you don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity, click below to register your interest.

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