Do you have a sustainable innovation that could help revolutionise the healthcare sector?
The healthcare sector came under immense pressure during the pandemic and there has been a significant increase in single-use items. Together with the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network (WMAHSN), Bruntwood Sci-Tech Birmingham have partnered with Create Central to support Green Innovation and drive sustainable solutions for the healthcare sector through a project called ‘Innovation Engine’ funded through the West Midlands Combined Authority funded West Midlands Innovation Programme.
With the Commonwealth games coming to the region in 2023, Bruntwood are looking to showcase the West Midlands’ ability to collaborate across sectors. As part of this, Bruntwood want to demonstrate how we can creatively support the healthcare industry in reducing its impact on the environment. Are you up for the challenge?
What’s on offer?
-6 months of bespoke business support
-Access to Innovation Engine’s partner network and expertise
-Free collaborative space at Innovation Birmingham
-Mentorship and full access to events and workshops
-Real-world validation
-Funding support available
The Challenge
What digital or creative innovation could you apply to reduce the impact of single-use items on the environment from the healthcare sector?
For example, we saw an increased number of items being incinerated during the pandemic when elements could have been recycled or repurposed, such as non-infectious PPE (e.g. masks), dressings, plasters and bandages. How can we make use of digital or creative tools for better data or technology which:
– Supports enhanced understanding on re-purposing or recyclable items
– Highlights the difference between incineration and re-purposing items
– Increases knowledge around re-purposing or recyclable items
– Communicates effective ways of sustainability
– Helps streamline traditional models of approaches within the Healthcare sector.
Applications now open
If you’re interested in applying, we encourage you to submit as soon as possible.
Demand for the programme is very high, and Bruntwood will ensure your details remain on file ready for referral onto members of the WMAHSN team and Create Central.
Bruntwood will reply to all applicants within 28 days of submission.
Applications close Monday 30th May 2022.