Can your innovation decarbonise UK homes? Build. with Ebico programme

Recipient: Sustainable Ventures

Grant Funding: £150,000

The programme is designed to support innovators in low carbon home heating and heat loss prevention solutions that are at idea stage, by offering them free expert support and up to £16k grant to help them build their businesses.

If you’re developing a Low Carbon Home Heating or Heat Loss Prevention Solution and are seeking to accelerate your product and commercial development, apply now and join in revolutionising the sustainable home sector with your groundbreaking product or service.

Apply now to be a part of Build. with Ebico, they’d love to support you in creating a greener and more sustainable future for all.

The programme offers:

  • 4-Day Innovation Bootcamp: November 2023 Intensive bootcamp where you will gain invaluable insights into building a successful business. Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, learn from industry experts, and explore the foundational aspects of venture-building in the home heating sector.
  • Stage 1 Tailored Support: January to March 2024, you’ll receive personalised support from our experienced mentors and £4000. The mentors will guide you through the unique challenges your business faces and provide strategic advice to help you overcome obstacles, whilst £4,000 will help you towards validating the concept of your solution
  • Stage 2 Tailored Support & £12k Grant: Those that get through the stage 2 tailored support will receive 4 months tailored support from experienced mentors, supporting you to achieve next milestones for your business such as go-to-market strategies, governance, investment readiness, and more. As well as £12k grant funding to build your solution.

Join and creating sustainable & affordable living for all households

About Ebico: The Ebico Trust is a registered charity. They believe that for the UK to achieve its transition to a net zero carbon economy, sustainable living must be affordable to all households – and not just be a lifestyle choice for the better-off. Key to delivering its affordability is innovation. To encourage innovation, and so promote sustainable living for all, they nurture, encourage and support entrepreneurs with new product ideas and service concepts which will make Net Zero choices affordable for lower-income families.  To help fund this ongoing effort to support innovation, they hope that successful participants in the ‘Build with Ebico’ programme will wish to make a voluntary donation of equity to be held on behalf of the charity.