Ninos Nerd Night

You will be sharply aware of the precarious nature of the local economy in and around Cannock Chase, the shortage of local digital skills and the need to encourage new innovation and entrepreneurs within the district. We believe Cannock has far more to offer than is visible on the surface and have taken action to bring technical and digital people together by establishing peer support in the form of a MeetUp in Cannock Town Centre.

The MeetUp fits squarely into the remit of Digital Staffordshire and will focus on encouraging employment, developing technology and digital skills and business infrastructure in the local area. It will create feedback on the state of local technology and digital sectors within Cannock Chase, provide a platform for budding entrepreneurs and start-ups to present their concepts and ideas for review, as well as being a platform for successful ventures to encourage each other. It will also be a launchpad for establishing new Academies to address the local shortage in digital and advanced manufacturing skills and help kick-start new business ventures.

The details of the new group can be found here.

The N3 group will hold its first meeting on 28th March 2018 at Caffe Del Nino in High Green Court, Cannock WS11 1GR from 5pm to 7pm. If you are free, we would be happy to see you, so please sign up to the MeetUp group (to receive future updates) and confirm your attendance. However, most importantly, if you know anyone locally who in the technology or digital sectors who lives/works in Cannock Chase, please send them the above link, encourage them to join the group and get involved in making the Cannock area a fantastic place for tech and digital business to set up and operate.

Thank you for your support.

(Author: Russ Taylor, Capinal)