News: Birmingham’s first Diversity in Digital Festival launches


Diversity in Digital Festival (DIDFest) aims to change behaviour and close the digital diversity gap, this year focusing on women in tech, addressing the lack of gender diversity in the digital sector. It will run over four weeks, consisting of over 45 events across the City of Birmingham, covering four themes: play, inspire, community and leadership.

Faye Pressly COO (Chief Operating Officer) Vanti, an internationally award winning technology and digital company, comments: “We understand that making a difference to the gender imbalance that exists isn’t going to happen overnight, but we hope that the range of events happening throughout the festival, will help to encourage, empower and inspire more girls and women to get into STEM, and to thrive in STEM careers.”  STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

She added “The festival wouldn’t have been possible without the support and time given by local organisations and individuals. It’s been put together with zero funding and sponsorship – just pure hard work, volunteered time and support. True Brum style!”

Each theme of DIDFest focuses on different groups of people, has clear ways for attendees to get more involved and to take the next steps in developing their understanding of how to join local communities.

The festival is focused on how to engage, attract, retain and develop more women in the tech industry, looking to educate organisational leaders on the benefits of an ‘inclusive workforce’ and to engage with:

  • Men, children, parents, teachers, business leaders – something for everyone.
  • Children of all ages, their parents and teachers
  • Women deciding what career path to take
  • Women with careers outside of STEM to open up cross-training into digital roles.
  • Women working in STEM without strong female role models to support and guide them, and organisational leaders who understand the importance but need help improving their cultural and business practices.

It is said Birmingham is forecast to become the UK’s second plural city (where no ethnic group is the majority) by 2024, as one of the most diverse cities in the U.K.

For more information please contact:

Contact:          Faye Pressly –

Mobile:           0772 792 0472

Or visit: 

Twitter:          #didfest2019