News: Venturefest West Midlands – Keynote Announcement

Keynote Announcement: Building a skilled and diverse technology workforce with Hilary Leevers, Chief Executive, Engineering UK

4th July 2019 – The Gallery Suite, National Exhibition Centre

Hilary joined Engineering UK as Chief Executive in January 2019 and leads the organisation in its mission to inspire the next generation of engineers and increase the talent pipeline into engineering.
Before that, she was Head of Education and Learning at The Wellcome Trust, building up a team to improve science education across the UK through research, advocacy, funding and direct interventions.

Previously, Hilary was Assistant Director at Campaign for Science & Engineering working on a breadth of policy issues including education and skills; government support for public and private research; and its use of scientific evidence. She has also been an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Molecular and Behavioural Neuroscience and gained qualifications in development and reasoning studies in Natural Sciences.

In her keynote presentation, Hilary will draw on recent analyses by EngineeringUK, this speech will describe the wider context in which the technology workforce is being developed. National, sectoral and regional analyses for the demand for science and technology skills will be presented and different approaches to meeting this demand will be discussed.

Find out more about Venturefest West Midlands here.