Birmingham Tech Week: In conversation with Pam Sheemar

“We are strong as a region with a lot to offer in the Tech scene”

Birmingham Tech Week may be over, but there is plenty more to talk about. To continue the buzz, we caught up with one of the Birmingham Tech Ambassadors Pam Sheemar to hear her thoughts on the fantastic week…

Why did you want to be an Ambassador for Birmingham Tech Week?

As part of the Steering committee, I am proud to be part of Birmingham Tech Week and it was phenomenal to see it all come together. What started as an idea that Yiannis Maos, the Founder of Birm Tech Week, had, was now coming together as a reality. Events coming into fruition, people collaborating to open their doors to support each other and Birm Tech scene having an impactful profile.

What did it reveal about the Tech Scene in Birmingham, as well as the wider West Midlands ecosystem? 

It showed that we have a strong Tech scene in Birmingham. We also have a lot of pride in Birmingham, when we work together we can make huge positive steps to show the strength in what we have in the region. The fire in the belly moment was ignited and every one pulled together for the same one goal. Proving that we are strong as a region with a lot to offer in the Tech Scene.

What was the highlight of the week? 

The highlight for me personally was seeing the Birm Tech week Steering committee come together as a team and Founders. The team are all from different business areas, backgrounds and worked together for a shared goal of making Birm Tech week a reality.  The strength of the team is a real highlight for me and I am proud to be part of it.

If you had to choose one takeaway from the week – what would it be? 

My one take away would be do not underestimate the power of a One shared goal. Together by collaborating, working together, we are strong as a region. This has ignited that spark for many other great initiatives and collaborative relationships, putting Birmingham Tech on the map. Bring on next year.

Thanks Pam!