Opportunity to help Create Central turbo charge the West Midlands creative content sector

Create Central is currently looking for two dynamic and well-organised freelancers with a passion for the creative industries and a commitment to supporting Create Central’s mission to turbo-charge the creative content sector in the West Midlands. 

Production & Inward Investment Associate

We are looking for someone to help us turbo-charge the creative content sector in the West Midlands now Create Central is leading a dynamic series of initiatives such as a new Production Services Group, Creative Content Hub BBC Partnership and soon to launch development funds. If you want to join the team at this exciting time for the region read the full consultancy brief.  

Social Media Management

We are looking to appoint a freelancer to support with managing our social media channels and advise on social media strategy given our objectives and limited budget, working closely with the Communications Lead. Read the full consultancy brief.

How to apply  

For both roles, please read the job description, and send your CV to hello@createcentraluk.com, clearly stating in the subject line the role you are applying for.   

Deadline for applications is midnight 20 May 2021  

Social Media interviews will be held on 25 May via Zoom.

Production and Inward Investment Associate interviews will be held on 28 May via Zoom.

Visit official application page