Future Mobility

Welcome to our Future Mobility Virtual Innovation Team!

If you’d like more information, please feel free to contact the Virtual Team Lead Chris Lane (Head of Transport Innovation at Transport for West Midlands), on: chris.lane@tfwm.org.uk.

Future Mobility

Mobility lies at the heart of human activity. It connects people to jobs, markets, opportunities and, most importantly, to each other. It is central to prosperity, economic success, social cohesion, whilst also having a tremendous impact on environmental and personal health.
As city regions in the West Midlands continue to grow, so does their need to reduce the environmental and social impact of their growing population. It is therefore imperative that we all start adopting more sustainable ways of achieving our mobility. Future forms of mobility must not only be environmentally conscious but accessible, connected and offer a compelling alternative to single occupancy car travel.

Transport for West Midlands are working on four strategic actions to deliver a mobility eco-system befitting of a rapidly evolving world:

  1. Infrastructure Investment – making our roads “intelligent” and growing our network of services. We seek to create compelling mobility offers for more people, more often.
  2. Market Creation – Stimulating business and creating an environment in which innovation and new mobility thinking can flourish.
  3. Consumer Engagement – Seeking to engage, educate and encourage adoption of more sustainable transport practices.
  4. Policy and Regulation Maturation – Underpinning all progressive ambitions are a set of rules which must evolve sympathetically.

Future mobility is happening right now. Here at TfWM, alongside several key partners, we are looking to spearhead activity that realizes its potential.

Working Towards the Future

TfWM are significantly involved or leading a number of multi-million pound workstreams. These include:

Midlands Future Mobility – Is instrumenting more than 100 miles of ‘real world’ roads in Coventry, Solihull and Birmingham for CAV developers to not only come and test their new technology but bring their manufacturing operations with them. This is helping to create a cluster effect that is establishing the West Midlands as a premier location for CAV-related organisations and companies.  More information about Midlands Future Mobility can be seen here.

Future Mobility Zone – Seeking to deploy new mobility services, that work seamlessly for travelers in the West Midlands, creating a better connected region that enables a positive change in the lives of millions of people

5G – In collaboration with West Midlands 5G, the technology is being used to:

  • Make transport more efficient and reliable
  • Improve access – making it easier to work, study and access leisure
  • Enhance the experience of travelers by improving services and products across the transport system