Privacy Policy

Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands Privacy Policy

The Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands is committed to the data protection of its partners and demonstrates compliance with the Data Protection Act (May 2018) and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Your data

Any personal information you give with active consent will be used by the Innovation Alliance WM for legitimate purposes only. The Innovation Alliance WM will only lawfully process data with the consent of the data subject and in accordance with the legitimate interests of the Alliance.

In practice, this means that details provided will be used to send invitations to events organised or co-organised by the Innovation Alliance WM to everyone on our database.  In the case where a person is a member of one or more Innovation Alliance WM Working Group(s) (Cyber, Innovative Health, Innovative Manufacturing, Innovative Transport, Innovative Zero Carbon, and Smart Places) details provided will also be used to send e-mail updates on relevant events, funding, partnership opportunities and other news tailored to stakeholder interests.

Information is retained for the purposes of pursuing legitimate interests and will be removed from our records should active consent or legitimate interests no longer stand. This includes data that is given in relation to an event which has occurred and the personal data is no longer relevant to our ongoing operations. The Innovation Alliance WM endeavours to maintain accurate records of personal data. Unless specified, data subjects are under no contractual obligations to provide personal data.

Your data is stored securely via a web-based contact relationship management system (Mailchimp) and is not transferred to any third party without the active consent of the data subject being obtained. The Innovation Alliance WM processes all data manually and does not undertake automated decision-making processes. Privacy by design is mandatory to all new projects and storage systems at the Innovation Alliance WM.

The Innovation Alliance WM monitors information acquired via its website and social media platforms to better understand how the sites are being used and how this can be improved. This type of information is collective data (such as the total number of website visitors) and does not identify individuals. These statistics are collected on a regular basis and may occasionally be communicated to funders or wider partners. It is stressed that no personal partner information is communicated that will allow individuals to be identified.

Your rights

As the data subject, you maintain the right to:

  • Request details and copies of existing personal records to be given
  • Withdraw consent for processing or retention of data at any point (for which the Innovation Alliance WM must comply within 30 days of receipt of instruction)
  • Request for the rectification of personal records
  • Lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office

Contact us

The Data Controller is ‘The Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands’ and the Data Processor for The Innovation Alliance WM is Pam Waddell. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about our data protection policy, if you wish to understand the data held about you, or you want to be removed from our database, please contact