Core Executive
The Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands (IAWM) is an alliance of organisations active or interested in science and technology based innovation across the West Midlands. The core Executive Team’s role is to catalyse, enable and support the Innovation Alliance. The team members are resourced by and shared with a range of our partner organisations.

Dr Pam Waddell OBE

Valentina Barker

Simon Spink

Gloria Okafor

Rosvaldas Povilionis

Karn Sylvester
Virtual Innovation Team
The Virtual Innovation Team comprises business facing innovation experts hosted by a range of regional cluster/ sector bodies. Between them they will support businesses in all the sectors and major market opportunities of the WM Local Industrial Strategy to recover and grow through innovation.

Andrew Mair

Rachel Eade

Naomi Nash

Louis Gyoh

Beck Collins

Tim Luft

Emma Yeap

Hilary Smyth-Allen

Gareth Thomas

Chris Lane

Wayne Horkan
IAWM’s Advisory Group will steer, oversee and connect IAWM activities and will work with the Executive Team to develop the networks and activities of the IAWM to meet the needs of the sponsoring partners and the wider innovation community in the region.