Supported by: The Smart Concept Fund
Our business
Data Developments have been writing and developing software for Churches and Charities for over 30 years. Their software has been specially created to help people with little or no accounting, Gift Aid or administrative expertise to become compliant with minimal effort. The software helps organisations to manage the organisation’s money, prepare useful reports to help the trustees and other interested people to understand what’s going on in the organisation and to plan for the future.

Why did we need to innovate? What did we do?
With the decline in the use of cash this had the potential to cause real issues for churches and charities, many of which rely on spontaneous donations. Therefore, in 2017, Data Developments started working with a contactless terminal manufacturer to enable users to not only benefit from contactless donations but also enable Gift Aid of GASDS (Gift Aid small donations scheme) to be claimed on them automatically. The resulting terminal can now either be used standalone or can be partnered with MyGiving.Online (a Data Developments platform) which then enables Gift Aid or GASDS to be claimed on a donation made by a donor (who simply tapped their donation).
“The real impact has been on elevating who we’re working with. The team have given us the confidence to go and work with different, larger organisations, and now the scope for expansion is huge”
The Smart Concept Fund was considered invaluable to the development of the business; the funding provided the business with the confidence to go ahead; without the Smart Concept Fund, such development would have been too risky.