Route Thirty Six Ltd is a retail marketing technology business based in Wootton Wawen in Warwickshire. They design, build and provide SAAS (software as a service) solutions to customers in the retail and marketing industries.
Website: www.rule.tech
Instagram: @routethirtysix or @rule_tech

- Support Received: Financial
- Grant awarded: £42,870
- Private Match: £42,870
- Outputs Achieved: 1 new product to the firm/market, 3 new jobs created.
The ERDF Innovation grant which is part funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has enabled the Route Thirty Six to construct a ground-breaking product which is new to the firm and the market. The new product – Rule – is an in-store marketing application that automates the briefing and distribution of retail marketing materials to an estate of locations. It has become the core product of the company and is now used by major retailers both in the UK and internationally. It is used by many well-known brands in the supermarket, homeware, discounter, convenience, fashion and postal service sectors.
The new product Rule is innovative in its automation and simplification of store data, meaning that it provides retailers with the ability to centralise, maintain, gain insights from and easily merge multiple data sources. Retailers can use this data to activate campaigns faster and allocate point of sale marketing material to stores in a targeted manner. This method enables them to consolidate marketing deliveries to stores and reduces waste/over production, in turn saving on the number of parcels and amount of packaging required. Customers are reporting a 40% time saving in processing in store marketing campaigns, alongside more accurate results and fewer errors than ever before.
The financial support from the Coventry & Warwickshire Innovation programme delivered by Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council and Coventry University Services has allowed the company to create and market the new product in a much shorter space of time than if it had been entirely self-funded. Already, Rule is used by retailers in Europe and Route Thirty Six are in early stage discussions with customers in Canada, USA, Australia and Ireland.
Director of Route Thirty Six, Jack Rossiter, encourages other SMEs to apply for the ERDF Innovation grant. He said: ‘the team at Coventry City Council & Warwickshire County Council were extremely helpful throughout the process. For any businesses looking to invest in an innovative new product, the ERDF grant provides the option to achieve that goal.’
Route Thirty Six were supported with raising finance for their project by Steph Winter, a Business Advisor at Warwickshire County Council.
For more information on Route Thirty Six and their product Rule, visit their website www.rule.tech and find them on social media – Route Thirty Six Ltd on LinkedIn, and @routethirtysix / @rule_tech on Instagram.