Mohammed Galeb

Digital Innovators graduate

Mohammed Galeb

Case study

“I undertook the Digital Innovators course alongside my Information Technology Course at Solihull College & University Centre (2017 to July 2019). I achieved a Distinction in my IT (networking and cyber security) course and I was offered an interview for CCL Forensics through Digital Innovators in July 2019. I have been working at CCL full time since October 2019. 

I have grown tremendously in confidence since starting the course back in 2017. This growth in self-belief has given me the ability to walk into interviews knowing that I have the skills and personal attributes to do well. Alongside the course, I undertook numerous work experience opportunities with companies such as Smart Tech, Adi Group, Touchwood Shopping Centre and even Digital Innovators themselves. Since then, I have entered employment knowing exactly what is expected of me and have grown to master workplace etiquettes such as punctuality, time management and organisation. As part of Digital Innovators, my group and I entered the Conrad Project and starred in a documentary showing our journey throughout the project.  

Digital Innovators inspired my love for learning new skills thus I spent three summers working as a Production Operative at a sports kit manufacturing company and also volunteered at a library. I also helped manage a barber shop and run its social media pages – a role I loved as I connected with a diverse range of people everyday which really helped strengthen my communication skills.   

I am now a trained Mobile Device Analyst at  CCL Forensics – I love working in an industry where I can learn new things all the time.”