Our latest meeting was hosted by Antser Group in Edgbaston, with discussions focusing on electric vehicles, technology in the care sector, and #WM2041. See below for more about our fantastic speakers and presentation links!

Our session opened with Luke Mulekezi from Antser Group, who provide business support services, technology solutions and training development to the care sector. Their mission is to deliver improved outcomes for some of society’s most vulnerable by working in partnership to combine innovative technology with human-centred service solutions, for one purpose – to deliver positive change across the health and social care sector.
Next up was Dejan Ajzenkol from Wood Plc, who discussed how cities’ infrastructure are preparing for the expected influx of electric vehicles. The vehicle charging infrastructure framework has been established for the provision of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, including the supply, installation and maintenance of electric vehicle charging points (slow/fast/rapid) and back-office support. Wood supports public sector organisations to meet their current and future needs in providing a reliable public charging network that is fit to meet the uptake of EVs and climate change challenges.
Finally, Jacqueline Homan from West Midlands Combined Authority laid out their actions to meet the climate crisis with inclusivity, prosperity and fairness. #WM2041
We ended the session with a fantastic round table discussion – thank you to all those who came and got involved!
Antser – Time Travel with Data
Wood Electric Vehicles Charging Framework