Innovative Low Carbon Working Group – 7th July 2020

07 July 2020

Date: 7th July 2020

Time: 1.45pm

Theme: ‘A West Midlands Green Recovery’

The primary focus of the meeting was to discuss how members of the ILCWG can help support the WMCA to ensure that the post-Covid recovery is centred around the environment (see the WMCA announcement on its Green Recovery plan on 5 June). We heard from Jackie Homan, Head of Environment at the WMCA, who introduced key areas of focus in the post-Covid recovery and then invited us to propose ideas and solutions to these key areas.

The meeting also included the usual update on public funding opportunities courtesy of Jenni McDonnell from the KTN, and an opportunity for each of the attendees to share their current activities and where they were looking for collaborations as part of the virtual roundtable.