Innovation Policy & Practice: A consultation on the West Midlands response to the National Innovation Strategy – 16th September 2021

16 September 2021

This session provided Innovation Alliance stakeholders a chance to understand and help shape the West Midlands’ strategic approach to innovation, in response to the new National Innovation Strategy. The context was set by speakers from BEIS and WMCA respectively, before delegates had the chance to feed into the region’s developing thinking around innovation and growth through addressing a series of questions in breakout discussions.

Date:       Thursday 16th September


09.30: Welcome and update on the Innovation Alliance WM and WM Innovation Programme: Pam Waddell, Director IAWM

09.40: National Context – The UK Innovation Strategy and implications for place: Shahid Omer, Deputy Director for Innovation at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) leading on the National Innovation Strategy

09.50: West Midlands Context – Innovation, the Plan for Growth and Levelling Up: Jonathan Skinner, Head of Economy and Local Industrial Strategy, West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)

10.00: Introduction to Breakout Questions and how responses will be used: Jamie Elliott, Innovation Lead, WMCA

10.05: Breakout discussions, facilitated by WM Innovation Board/ WMIP Team – your chance to feed into the region’s developing thinking around innovation and growth

10.50: Return to plenary for feedback on key points

11.00: Close

Full event presentation: