Innovation Policy and Practice: Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in Innovation – 19th November 2021

19 November 2020

Our IP&P event on 19th November focused on ‘Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in Innovation: a consultation on action for the West Midlands’.  

The next in our series of online Innovation Policy and Practice events discussed a West Midlands regional response to the recent national report Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in Innovation report, backed by InnovateUK. This event is part of IAWM’s New Voices of Innovation Campaign.

In the first part of the event a panel presented and discussed implication of the report nationally and regionally, to set the scene. Speakers included

  • Beldina Owalla, Sheffield University, one of the report authors;
  • Ewa Bloch, Innovate UK, on national implementation;
  • Monder Ram, Director of CRÈME, Aston University, a regional response
  • Claire Spencer, Senior Policy Adviser – Public Services & Inclusive Growth, WMCA will talk about regional implementation.

In part two, all attendees had the opportunity to discuss the implications in small groups and suggest actions for WM regional stakeholders to take in order to Support Diversity and Inclusion in Innovation.

Access the presentations below: