When & Where
The theme of this instalment of Innovative Health Working Group is ‘Advances in Health Simulation and Immersive Technologies’. It will take place on 10th November 2022, 2-4:00pm at Staffordshire University Centre for Health Innovation.
This workshop was delivered to new and familiar members of the Innovative Health Working Group (IHWG), as well as the wider Innovation Alliance ecosystem. If you wish to join the next IHWG, you can join the mailing list here.
14:00 Tour of Centre for Health Innovation
14:30 Light Refreshments
14:45 Chair Welcome and Introductions
14:50 Advances in Health Simulation and Immersive Technologies – Emily Browne, Associate Dean for Innovation and Enterprise
15:00 Transforming Patient Safety & Care using voice directed technology – Philip Jarrett, Voice-Care Founder
15:10 Ground-breaking VR experiences for recreation and health
WM Health Technologies Cluster
IHWG meetings run quarterly, and aim to share information and good practice and catalyse new partnerships and collaborative activities that help to further develop innovation within and between the sectors.
Notes and presentations from previous IHWG meetings can be found here.