Innovative Manufacturing & Innovative Zero Carbon Joint Working Group – 13th December 2021

13 December 2021

This event was an online joint collaborative workshop from the Innovative Manufacturing Working Group (IMWG) and Innovative Zero Carbon Working Group (IZCWG), it the audience from both Working Groups as well as members from the wider Innovation Alliance ecosystem.


Sustainability West Midlands, Warwick Manufacturing Group, Midlands Aerospace Alliance and Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education in partnership with the Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands as Virtual Innovation Team sector leads as part of the West Midlands Innovation Programme.

The event

This event was focussed on how manufacturing companies can benefit from adopting innovative, low carbon practices.

IZCWG and IMWG meetings each run quarterly, and aim to share information and good practice and catalyse new partnerships and collaborative activities that help to further develop innovation within and between the sectors outlined above.


  • Clare Ollerenshaw (Accelar, Chair of IZCWG)
  • Nat Macaulay (JCM Contracts)
  • Carlton Cummings (Aceleron)
  • Pam Waddell OBE (Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands)


13:45 Log in for networking

14:00 Welcome and introduction
Clare Ollerenshaw, Accelar Ltd., Chair of IZCWG

14:05 JCM’s sustainability journey: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Nat Macaulay, JCM Contracts

14:25 A new view of energy storage
Carlton Cummings, Aceleron Energy

14:45 Q&A

14:55 Comfort break

15:05 Breakout discussions
• Manufacturers to meet sustainability experts: current priorities and support on sustainability
• Enablers groups: sharing what they are hearing from their client businesses

15:35 Feedback and roundtable
• Opportunity for attendees to promote any collaboration and partnership opportunities to
the whole group identified from the breakout discussions or elsewhere, further good
practice, forthcoming events and any help you require.

15:45 Opportunities and promotion

Summary of current opportunities
• Made Smarter Innovation: Sustainable Smart Factory
• BEIS Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator
Alan Carr, SWM

Elsewhere in the Innovation Alliance
Pam Waddell and Devon Geary, Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands

16:00 Close


Current funding opportunities presented: