When & Where
29 March 2022 – 2-4pm – Virtual
Sustainability West Midlands (SWM) & WM Health Technologies Cluster
This workshop was delivered for members of the Innovative Health Working Group (IHWG) and Innovative Zero Carbon Working Group (IZCWG), as well as the wider Innovation Alliance ecosystem. If you wish to join the IHWG or IZCWG, you can join our mailing lists here.
The event
The Innovative Zero Carbon Working Group (IZCWG) is run by SWM in partnership with the Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands (IAWM). We run the group in our role as Zero Carbon lead for the Virtual Innovation Team, part of the West Midlands Innovation Programme. We ran this joint meeting with our long-standing sister group the Innovative Health Working Group (IHWG), focussing on the interlinkages between better health and a better planet.
You can access the speaker presentations here.
13:45 Networking
14:00 Welcome and introduction
Perninder Dhadwar, IHWG Chair
14:05 NHS Trust Sustainability and Innovation Showcase
Helen Black, NHS England & NHS Improvement – Midlands
Janet Smith, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
14:25 Using drones for good
Georgia Hanrahan, Skyfarer
14:45 Q&A
14:55 Comfort break
15:05 Breakout discussions
- Nurturing collaboration opportunities between health and low carbon experts
- What challenges are you facing and what support do you need on sustainability issues?
15:35 Feedback and roundtable
15:45 Opportunities and promotion
Update from the WMHTC
David Kidney, WMHTC
Elsewhere in the Innovation Alliance
Pam Waddell, Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands
16:00 Close
IZCWG and IHWG meetings each run quarterly, and aim to share information and good practice and catalyse new partnerships and collaborative activities that help to further develop innovation within and between the sectors outlined above.
Notes and presentations from previous IZCWG meetings can be found on our Resources page.
Interested in finding out more?
If you would like to become a member of any of these groups you can sign up to the mailing lists here. To discuss further please contact enquiries@swm.org.uk or on 07751 933055 for more information.