Recognize is a unique perinatal health and wellbeing company. Providing coaching, consulting and online courses; encouraging people to think outside the box making a difference to the post baby world, and providing perinatal mental health support both at home and in the workplace. They are currently also working on a technology solution for the NHS.
Recognize was set up in May 2019 by Nasra Hagi Mohamed.
Before launching Recognize, Nasra worked as a nurse and a midwife. “I was aware of the struggle some women encounter before, during and after pregnancy. Tragically, this often goes unnoticed as new mothers feel under pressure to live to up being a great mother.” Nasra noticed that, if untreated, perinatal problems can lead to worsening mental health and even suicide.
“I was only too aware that as a midwife or nurse there simply weren’t the resources available to tackle perinatal wellbeing. Finally, I reached a point where I couldn’t continue without doing something about it. Recognize Ltd is my response to years of frustration and concern. Ultimately my aim is for every mom to have free coaching, paid for by the NHS. In the meanwhile, I’m providing a workplace wellbeing programme, and one-to-one coaching for perinatal women.”
The Innovation
Recognize aims to help every woman suffering with, or at risk of, perinatal mental ill health to access appropriate treatment. It aims to facilitate understanding and support in the workplace for women struggling with their mental health during and after pregnancy, and provide resources and strategies to aid knowledge and wellbeing in the workplace.

Recognize offers a variety of services:
Antenatal and Postnatal Coaching: Being a mother brings many challenges into your life; some of them are wonderful, others may be perplexing and confusing. Recognise provides Antenatal and Postnatal Coaching to prepare mothers for the changes being a parent brings. Read more about this service here.
Recognising and responding to FGM: Female genital mutilation (FGM) describes procedures where the external female genitalia is partially or completely removed, or where injury is caused to female genital organs without there being a medical reason for doing so. Recognize provides a course in response to a growing need for greater awareness of FGM in our communities. Read more about this service here.
Perinatal wellbeing for business: Perinatal illnesses are a major public health issue. Mental health problems occurring before and after the birth of a baby has an impact on the workplace. Workplaces can play an important part in supporting new parents, and looking out for any signs that mothers are struggling as they return to work. Read more about this service here.

“PDN is often unrecognised by healthcare workers. The ladies suffering often don’t want to admit that they have a problem, as you feel as though by doing so that you are not a good Mum and something is wrong with you. Greater and acknowledgement and support will help new mums realise they are not bad, wrong or different, and that they are in fact normal with the same feelings every other new mum has.” – Cheryl from Felixstowe
“The attitude towards FGM has changed dramatically over the years, mostly for the better… the more we address this issue, the more the community feels empowered – not like victims.” – Forward UK
“My wife suffered from antenatal psychosis, and then postnatal depression. She attempted to commit suicide following the birth of our daughter. Luckily she survived but the event ruined our lives. I’ve started supporting perinatal services as much as I can, but they are so underfunded. More needs to be done to help mothers in need.” – Arran from Reading