24 July 2024
14:00 – 16:00
Arup, One Centenary Way, Birmingham B3 3AY
Sustainability West Midlands & IZCWG
The Event
It’s very likely that many of us are already working to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in order to prevent the planet from warming to more extreme temperatures. However the climate has already changed, and we are already more exposed to more intense and frequent flooding, more severe storm surges, more intense and prolonged heatwaves and longer periods of drought, than we were even 20 years ago. We need to adapt our behaviour, systems and ways of life to this changed climate, in addition to acting to stop the problem from getting worse. And happily, some actions that we can take to reduce our emissions can also help us to adapt to climate change.
This meeting of the IZCWG will explore climate adaptation. It will look at the key area of innovation in this space of nature finance. It will explore how climate change adaptation is being considered for major infrastructure, and we will hear how this issue is being addressed through regional policy.
Confirmed Speakers:
Bethany Haskins – WMCA
Juliet Mian – Arup
Mike Smith – Accelar