This event is hosted by Impact Central. You can visit the official event page here, or check out the details below.
As the global crisis drags on and millions of us self-isolate in our homes, negative mental states, cracks in relationships, generalised fears and anxieties around our health and financial situation can become magnified and overwhelming.
If you add ‘running a startup’ to the above then the normal stresses and strains of running a business are likely to be magnified at this time.
Michael Matania, founder of Tough Cookie, will deliver a session using his ‘Mental Resilience Toolkit’ of twelve practical techniques to manage thoughts and emotions, supported by the latest research in psychology and neuroscience.
We’re also delighted to announce that Michael has partnered with us to run a 6-week mental resilience programme (which we can offer to all of you too!), starting in June. You can find out more about that at the session on Thurs 11th March.