Date(s) – September 8 2022
10:00am – 1:30pm
Barrow Hill Roundhouse Railway Centre
This event will hear from local Universities supporting research and development in rail and explore what support is available to SMEs through local facilities and Universities to assist them in their digital innovation journey, how to access this support and illustrate some of the technical and non-technical challenges that the current digital revolution is highlighting.
We are delighted to be joined by Professor Clive Roberts from University of Birmingham.
Clive Roberts is Professor of Railway Systems and Head of the School of Engineering at the University of Birmingham. He is Director of the University’s Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education, which has over 180 researchers. He works extensively with the railway industry and academia in Britain and overseas.
The digital revolution utilising Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Big Data and Automation is driving change in all sectors, with concepts such as Industry 4.0 (digital enterprise), Railway 4.0 or Digital Railway used to describe the increased integration of physical and virtual solutions embracing these technologies.
The changes emerging in rail are extensive and wide ranging from, digital solutions for predictive asset and systems maintenance to e-ticketing and integrated traffic management and train control. The societal need for change in supporting sustainability and productivity, especially in the current geo-political climate is critical and is driving need.
Draft Programme:
10.00am Arrival and Welcome
10.30am Presentations
11.25am Break / networking
11.55am Tour of Barrow Hill facilities
12.40pm Presentations
1.15pm How to Access Support (Q&As)
1.30pm Finish and Close
Bookings will close on 31st August at 5.00pm. Joining instructions will then be sent out on Thursday 1st September.
This event is open to all SME’s in the D2N2 area.