‘Creating Future-Proofed Digital Careers for Disadvantaged Young People’
Tin Smart Social has created the Digisheds smart skills ecosystem to engage young people across the West Midlands with our digital employability and employer sector-readiness studio partnerships led by global leaders like ServiceNow and Capgemini. As a digital skills collective we believe that every person deserves the opportunity to develop their skills and make their mark in the world of work.
“The West Midlands’ priority is to drive up levels of demand-led business innovation across all areas of the region, by deepening innovation networks and supporting improvements to business capacity (West Midlands Local Industrial Strategy). The partnership with ServiceNow, Capgemini, and Tin Smart Social looks to harness our regional strengths and ensure that the next generation of the West Midlands workforce are inclusively enabled to participate in a region in renaissance.”
Iain Mansell, Networks & Partnerships Manager, Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands.
Launched in partnership with the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership and Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands, our new Digisheds ‘Can Do Digital’ job skilling and digital literacy programme will give more than 5,000 young people aged 15-24 years across the West Midlands the chance to build a career in technology.
“Increasing the level of digital skills for the region is vital if we are to accelerate sustainable economic growth across Greater Birmingham & Solihull. The exciting partnership between ServiceNow, Capgemini and Tin Smart Social promises to move this forward with an innovative approach to skills development with the potential to change resident’s lives”
Christian Sayer, Executive Officer – Skills, Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP)
We are opening up our Digisheds ecosystem to give thousands of young people the chance to work with global organisations like ServiceNow – one of the fastest-growing technology platforms in the world. Every day, technology teams across the world work with ServiceNow to develop, create, launch and manage the applications and digital workflows that are powering the world of work. The appetite for the ServiceNow technology has never been bigger and their partners and customers, as well as their own organisation, need to address the growing demand for new talent within their global ecosystem.
“The impact we can have on real peoples’ lives and the opportunity to truly showcase technology in service of people is simply amazing.”
Faez Ahmed, Senior Director of Training & Certification, ServiceNow.
Our Digisheds SSE Perspective:
The skills shortage in the technology sector is a real problem and the industry is struggling to bring a balance in diversity. Tin Smart Social, ServiceNow, and Capgemini believe in a culture of diversity, inclusion and belonging, where people are valued for who they are, voices are heard, and we embrace what makes us unique.
Through our tailored digital skills pathways within the Digisheds ‘Can Do Digital’ programme, ServiceNow’s ‘NextGen Program’, and Capgemini’s ‘New Workforce – Active Inclusion’ initiative we can give young people across the UK the opportunity to participate in the digital economy.
At Tin Smart Social we are working within a wider ecosystem of partners to deliver our ‘Can Do Digital’ Youth Development Programme offering 15-24 year olds digital literacy and job skills training, using our combined resources to make a big difference. These include ServiceNow, Accenture, KPMG, Deloitte, Capgemini, DXC, SCC, SXC Experience, Create Studios and other specialist partners who all bring unique expertise and skills.
Powering the Next Generation of Tech Talent:
Together with our partners, we are building a learning programme of courses, ranging from four to sixteen weeks, designed to arm young people with the skills and knowledge they need to enter the world of work.
1. Digital Employability foundation course, including certifications in data science, coding, business analytics and cyber security
2. Sector-readiness Studio program – Learning path, including gamification, using ServiceNow’s award-winning simulators
3. Venture Studios – research and innovation pathway for would be entrepreneurs
At the final stage, learners will go through role-specific training based on the individual strengths that we have identified and gain valuable employer and technical skills accreditations.
Get Involved:
We want to make sure every young person is ready to grab the opportunity to enter the world of work and make an impact. Join Tin Smart Social, ServiceNow, Capgemini, and our range of specialist partners on our journey to make the lives of real people work better.
Watch the Digisheds video and register your interest here in attending our Birmingham briefing event on the 26th November 2019.
Digisheds – Can Do Digital Launch Video from Alex Cole on Vimeo.