This event is hosted by Knowledge Transfer Network. You can visit the official event page here.
How can nature inspire solutions for clean growth within the UK?
Over the summer, KTN’s Nature Inspired Solutions Special Interest Group (NIS SIG) is hosting a webinar series to explore how nature inspired solutions can contribute to clean growth within the UK.
In our third session, we will explore the role of nature inspired solutions for clean energy and resource efficiency and the impact this could have on the UK economy. In collaboration with UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering, we are bringing together experts from academia and industry from across the UK and beyond to discuss the latest developments in the field.
To be able to achieve the government’s ambition of clean growth we need to develop new solutions for clean energy and find ways to use available resources more efficiently. Nature is showing us a multitude of ways to do this.

The panel will discuss:
- How we identify solutions in nature and translate them by abstracting and applying fundamental mechanisms, cognisant of the different context of engineering applications.
- Ways to make industrial processes efficient and robust by developing new materials, processes and integrated systems, seeking inspiration from natural mechanisms.
- Examples of sustainable process development, such as process intensification to reduce the carbon footprint and Waste-to-Fuel processes.
Event Agenda
11:00 – 11:10 – Welcome, housekeeping & introductions
11:10 – 11:40 – Presentations
11:40 – 11:55 – Q&A for the panel
11:55 – 12:00 – Summary & close