Watch Birmingham’s best startups compete to give the best pitch to a panel of experts and investors!
This is Birmingham’s real-life answer to popular TV shows like Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank. The sessions present a number of exciting, pre-qualified companies seeking investment, pitching their ventures in front of a panel of leading figures in business. They will offer their business nous on the pitches and engage in a Q&A session. The BullRing boasts a fantastic show-like atmosphere, proving to be entertaining as well and educational, offering the opportunity to network and, possibly, make the deal of a lifetime!
Why should you attend?
- Learn about some of the most exciting startups
- Hear real-time feedback and learn from industry experts
- Join the discussion, cast your vote and ask questions
Our past Bulls
- Spencer Crossley – Founding Member of Warner Bros Entertainment
- Steve Smith – Founder of Poundland
- Alan Clayton – Global Mentor at SOSV
- Alan Barratt – Founder of Grenade
- Chris Deering – Former president at Sony Europe

- Each business will have 5 minutes to pitch their business
- The panel provide feedback and asks each founder questions
- Join in the discussion in the chat window
- Vote if you found the company to be investable or not!
Entrepreneurship is all about making sure that you can engage people! This event boasta a large audience consisting of entrepreneurs, investors, and the general public which makes this live session really informative and entertaining at the same time.