WEBINAR: Mental Health in the Workplace

13 January 2021

This webinar is hosted by Medilink Midlands. You can visit the official event page here.

When: 13th January, 2 – 3pm.

This Medilink Midlands webinar will explore the impact of mental health on the workplace and introduce the Mental Health and Productivity Pilot (MHPP) being offered to businesses across the Midlands Engine Region.

A healthy and inclusive workplace is essential for all businesses so providing appropriate support for employees, creating a culture of openness and tackling discrimination and stigma will help to remove some of the barriers to growth and development for businesses. The cost to the economy of mental health across the Midlands is estimated to be in the region of £45 billion in 2020. This will be impacted further by the covid-19 pandemic, which no one was prepared for.

Book your free place by clicking here.