Weathering the Storm – Climate Resilient Business

06 March 2025

This event will help businesses to understand how they could be affected by weather, and how they can improve their speed up their recovery.

Thursday, March 6 · 10am – 12pm

Unity Trust Bank, 4 Brindley Place, Birmingham B1 2JB

About the Event

This event will help businesses to understand how they could be affected by weather, including extreme events, and how they can improve their chances of a quick recovery. The event will also cover business opportunities from responding to a changing climate and provide useful tools and contact information to help become more resilient.

The event will be focused on actions that are relatively easy for small businesses to achieve, tackling issues that are within their control or influence. Whilst a business might not be able to stop flooding or an extreme storm event affecting them, they can take simple steps to reduce the impact these might have on the business so that they can keep operating. This will include sharing of best practice case studies of businesses who have improved their resilience to climate change. 

This event will focus on the critical challenge of climate change and the extremes of weather that we know we will face in coming years. It will cover the associated opportunities and challenges.